How To Properly Wash Your Swimsuit To Elongate Its Lifespan

Caring for your swimsuit may seem simple and an after thought after spending the day playing in the waves. In reality, the way you care and wash your bathing suit can help it keep its colour, elasticity, and shape for years to come!


How Often Should You Wash Your Swimsuit

 The short answer - after each wear.

Unlike other clothing items that can be washed every few wears, swimsuits should be washed every time you put it on. That includes days when you just wear it under your cover up for good looks, days when you never touch the water, and - of course - days when you are splashing in the water!


How To Wash Your Swimsuit

The simple act of washing your swimsuit is an art in itself. Instead of throwing all of your swimsuits into the laundry at once, it is best to wash each piece by hand under cold water. Best swim wear care practices call for washing right after removal and straight to the sink! Washing machines and detergents can be harsh on swimsuits, even on delicate cycles, so it is best to stick to hand washing!

When rinsing off your swimsuit, use mild detergent or no detergent at all to keep harsh chemicals from wearing on the colour and texture of the swimsuit. If water alone is not enough to fully remove chlorine or salt water from your swimsuit, try a mild soap (we recommend Bikinis Over Everything) mixed with tap water to get the heavy work done!

If you want an easy way to fully rinse off each piece, wear your swimsuit in the shower after the beach or pool. Just make sure not to use any shower gels while wearing your swimsuit! Once you’re done, hang to dry in the shade or inside. Be sure to let the swimsuit fully dry before wearing again!

After your swimsuit is dry and ready to be worn again, put on as is - refrain from using any heat or irons on the material as it can cause it to disintegrate - instead, rinse off the swimsuit again and let the wrinkles fall out naturally.


Swimsuit Care Tips

Swimwear care is more than just how you wash your swimsuit, but how you care for it on a daily basis. Use these tips to help keep your swimsuits lasting for extra wears and years!


  • Be conscious of where you wear your swimsuit, try to avoid hot tubs, spas, and heated pools. The combination of extra chemicals, and extreme temperatures will cause fading and stretching in your swimsuit.

  • Don’t let them dry in the sun, instead dry in the shade.

  • Do not wring! Wringing out your swimwear causes the fabric to stretch and droop over time. Instead of wringing, try rolling it up in a towel and gently squeezing out any excess water. 

  • Rotate your swimsuits. Everyone has their one favourite swimsuit that they look absolutely fabulous in, but to keep it looking great, wear some others between each wear. The constant swimwear rotation will help to keep each one from being over-worn and over-washed.


Keeping Your Swimsuit Forever

Choose your next swimsuit wisely. The inexpensive swimsuits may catch your eye, but the replacement costs will soon stack up. Look for a quality swimsuit that was made with care and high quality materials. Bequia Beach Bums takes care in picking out which material to use for each swimsuit to ensure a highly durable swimsuit for years to come. These materials and swimsuits will last longer, through more wears and more washes to keep your favourite bikini by your side for longer!